Thursday, May 31, 2012

Font :)

1. What is the name of your font?  How does the name relate to your font?
2. Describe the style of your font.
3. What was your inspiration when creating your font? 
4. How does your font relate to your personality? Please explain.
5. What was your biggest struggle in creating your font?
6. What was your biggest success in creating your font?
7. If you could create a 2nd font, what would it look like and what would you call it?

1. Logid is the font name and it relates becuase my name has LOG in it and the id is just cause i liked the way they looked
2.The style is straight not curved at all
3. I used to draw like that so i wanted to do my font like that
4. It relates because i like straight lines and i find it fun to draw
5. Making the "R" and the "K" 
6.Finsishing it 
7. my second font would be all curved and it would be called....... Lo

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